D&D - Sparrow Studios Wikia

The D&D fantasy universe is the loaction in which all of my fantasy games are run.

Campaign list[]

A number of games take place in this world, including:


[Metagame -The world has undergone several changes since it's initial creation, with the current interation being formed after a 1000 year time skip following a global catastrophe]

The world's creation story can be viewed here.


List of countries in the fantasy world.

World 6 old school countries simple

View of the fantasy world showing the Different countries.

World 6 old school countries shade

View of the fantasy world showing the Different countries overlayed on the Geological map.

World 6 old school countries border

View of the fantasy world showing the Different countries borders.

A number of countries exist in the fantasy world, the most prominent countries that have been featured in campaigns are:

  • The Royal Imperium
  • Bomnar
  • Lorien
  • Idunn
  • Mi Lund
  • Firamustus
  • Firdaus
  • The Empire
  • Rionib
  • Andraste
  • Vutha

Most countries in the world are ruled by a Monach of some sort, although sevealr other forms of government exist.

It should be noted that except for Idunn, the countries on the southern continent are part of an allience known as the League of Free Lands.


List of deities in the fantasy world.

The main 9 Deities in the fantasy universe are:

Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Alpha Kaylee Craji
Neutral Balmung Nargro Loki
Evil Orzhov Zathula Omega